Thursday 19 May 2016

Raspberry Souffle

Souffle is such a wonderful dessert.  It's so fluffy that it just melts into your mouth, leaving a trace of satisfaction in your stomach even hours after....

I usually make it on the spot in my kitchen  right after lunch or dinner gathering with friends or family.

It's so easy to make and you can surely impress your guests with this elegant French dessert fresh coming out of the oven!


Raspberry Puree

- 150g raspberries
- Juice of 1/2 small lemon
- 30g caster sugar
- 2 tsp cornflour


- 3 large egg white
- 2 tbsp caster sugar
- pinch of salt

For preparing the ramekins

- a little bit of melted butter (or you can use canola oil for health reason)


Pre-heat oven to 200C.

To make the Rasberry Souffle:

1.  In a small bowl mix the corn flour with lemon juice.
2.  Put the raspberries in a mixer & blend them into puree, then pour them out into a saucepan.
3.  Pour the cornflour mixture & caster sugar (30gram) in saucepan to boil with the raspberries.
4.  Bring to boil then cooking it for 30 seconds to allow the corn flour to cook, whisking constantly.
5.  Take the mixture out of the saucepan and place in a large bowl to cool down.

To prepare the ramekins:

- Using a good quality pastry brush, brush the inside of the ramekins with melted butter (or canola oil).  Use upward motion (from bottom to top) when brushing the sides (this helps the souffle to rise upward beautifully).

To make the souffle:

1.  Start whisking the egg whites in a medium bowl with an electric whisk (mixer).  Once reaching the soft peak stage stage, then add caster sugar (1 tablespoon at a time), keep on whisking until it reaches firm peak.
2.  Put 1/3 of the egg white mixture (i.e. merginue) into the raspberry mixture.
3.  Using a big balloon whisk to fold them gently together (using the "under-over" motion).
4.  Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all egg white mixture is folded into the raspberry mixture & there is no white showing.
5.  Using a spoon to gently transfer the mixture into each ramekin to the top. Smooth with spatula knife.

Bake at 200C for about 12 mins.  Lower your oven temperature half way through if required.

Dust with icing sugar on top, serve immediately and enjoy!