Tuesday 13 March 2012

Lamb or Rabbit?

I know this is not related to baking or cake decoration, but I've to post this as it is such a funny photo.

This year, my husband bought me a French cook book as my Valentine’s Day present.  I hadn’t had a chance to try any of those recipes until last Sunday. 

In the book, there is a recipe for braised lamb shanks.  I’m not a lamb lover, but when I looked at the mouth watering picture in the book,  I said to myself “why not give it a go?”.

I could not find lamb shanks, so I bought a lamb leg instead.   Anyhow, just when I was searing the top part of the leg in the frying pan, I noticed something interesting........  It looked like a rabbit!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the frying pan is getting too hot and the rabbit (lamb) is trying to escape...
