Monday 10 March 2014

Fluffy Pancakes

Who doesn't love pancakes?  These were the fluffiest pancakes that I've ever made.  Believe it or not, the secret ingredient is buttermilk!  It's the buttermilk that make the pancakes fluffy and tall.

If you don't have buttermilk at home, don't worry.  You can add 2 tbsp white vinegar to 3/4 cups of full cream milk and then set them aside for 5 mins. to "sour".

Another tips is using a non-stick pan to cook the pancakes and do NOT add any oil onto the pan, otherwise the pancake will be easily burnt especially on the sides.  See the above pancakes that I made, don't they look like those hot cakes in McDonald's? :-)

Ingredients (serves 4):

- 3/4 cup Buttermilk (or substitute by 3/4 cup full cream milk & 2 tbsp white vinegar, wait for 5 mins before use)
- 1 Medium Egg
- 2 tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 cup White Flour
- 1 tbsp white sugar
- 1 tsp Baking Powder
- 1/2 tsp Baking Soda (Bicarbonate Soda)
- 1/2 tsp Salt


1.  Combine all the dry ingredients (i.e. flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda & salt) in a large bowl.

2.  Whisk egg & melted butter into the buttermilk.

3.  Pour the wet ingredients (i.e. buttermilk mixture) into the dry ingredients.

4.  Using a large balloon whisk, gently mix all the ingredients together until all lumps are gone.  Do NOT overmix.

5.  Heat a non-stick small / medium pan over low heat.  Pour some batter onto the pan and cook until bubbles appear on the surface.  Flip with a spatula and cook the other side until slightly brown.

6.  Serve with pure maple syrup & butter, enjoy!

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