Thursday 19 January 2012

Chocolate Cake with Frangipani Deco ~ Dec 2007

In 2007, since I had just learnt sugar art,  I was so obsessed with this new hobby & made a number of sugar frangipani as my practising exercise.  However, I still had to find a chance to practise icing a cake.  I only did it once & that was in the class.

Back then the company where I worked was organizing a Christmas lunch gathering & everyone had to contribute some food.  Since I had some sugar flowers on hand & longed for an opportunity to practise icing a cake, I made a chocolate cake using one of those fool-proof cake mix you can buy from supermarket (I was a lousy baker & didn't know how to make a cake from scratch, hehe...).

So here we go, a chocolate cake covered with RTR icing with some sugar frangipani on top.  I brought this to work & everyone was amazed & said it looked like a wedding cake!

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